Saturday, November 4, 2023

Rebuilding, Rewiring & Restoring...

Have you ever felt 'renovated' from the inside out?

From mid-June to mid-September this year, I was going through a 'Job-esque' season where God was removing things from my life left and right, and it felt as if I was weathering and walking through one trial and tribulation after another. 

While driving one brisk fall morning, with TobyMac's new song "Faithfully" playing on the radio, I received the revelation that God was doing some renovation work on me. Like a house being 'rehabbed,' God was doing some demolition work and taking me down to the studs, per se, to ensure my foundation was solid (and set on Him).

I also felt that He was rewiring me and my thoughts. He was healing me from past hurts and trauma and replacing the lies I heard and believed for so long with His truths and Word about me. 

The idea for this post came to me the end of September, however as September flowed into October and we blew into November as fast as the leaves have fallen from the trees, I felt myself leaving my 'Job season' behind to enter into a 'Jonah-esque' season. God is and has been redirecting my steps, getting me back on the original path, plan and purpose He has for me. 

God put writing, adoption, and a few other dreams in my heart over the past decade, and like Jonah choosing to go in the opposite direction than he was originally called, I followed a different course as well. I allowed time, or the lack thereof, money, age and a myriad of other excuses deter, distract and delay me. But God...His will and plan will be done and accomplished. (By the way, it is so much better, less painful, and less time-consuming if we're obedient at the onset of receiving His prompting and directive(s)...and think of all the 'whales' we could avoid if we were!) But our stubborn, sinful human nature, we choose our own path many times, either out of fear or thinking we're not worthy or we know better than God. (Insert every mind blown, forehead slap, teeth gritting, laughing emoji there is.)

So, like a house that has been neglected or weathered many storms, our hearts and minds need some TLC and renovating after time. That is when Jesus, the divine Carpenter, steps in and gets to work, rebuilding, remodeling and restoring us back to our original beauty, value and worth as intended and designed by our holy Architect, Jehovah El Ashiyb, the Lord our (my) Restorer.

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