Thursday, January 19, 2017


Happy New Year and welcome, 2017!!!

Each January I select a word, a theme or perspective if you will, for the new year at hand. This year's word is "contentment."

I used to think this frame of mind was a mentality that was synonymous to giving up 
per se, as if one was resolved to accept circumstances, disappointments and unmet dreams as final; as if things weren't going to change so one might as well accept things as they are and pretend to be okay with this realization.

However, when I embraced this word, I discovered the utter joy, the limitless possibilities, and the excitement that this word actually held, represented and exuded. This may just be my favorite word yet.

So, 2017 I emphatically and joyously welcome and greet you with glee and anticipation for what you hold and have to offer. In the meantime, I'll wait contently.