Sunday, December 3, 2023

Leave or Stay...

I originally wrote the below words on 11/4/23 but did not post until today, 12/3/23. In doing so, I realized the sentiments are just as timely and the challenges just as relevant now as they were a month ago.

Last Friday, I woke up feeling a little deflated, a little defeated, a little frustrated, and a little anxious; ready to wave the white flag, pack up, move on, and start over in a new place, with new possibilities and a clean & fresh slate. As soon as those feelings flooded in, I had the realization that this tends to be my 'default' and defense setting/mode/response; thinking new scenery would provide the answers, change, and progress I hope for, and am seeking & wanting.

I've done this with jobs; a few times due to relocations for my ex's job, other times when things got mundane or messy. Many people do this with relationships as well. The 'ole 'grass is greener' syndrome. Often forgotten with this mindset, however, is the fact that the grass is greenest where & when you water & nurture it. There is a lot of effort, unknown, discomfort, investment, and even risk in getting to know a new job, city or person. Sometimes the most rewarding & fruitful decision is to push through the hard times, the sweat, and the tears where you are in order to glean the lesson(s) in and of the process.

Sometimes, however we are in fact called to pack up and move on & into the unknown, like God asked Abram to do; other times we're called to push through & persevere, despite disappointments, betrayal, rejection, & false accusations, like Joseph endured. Whether you're called to a leap of faith or called to stay, whichever path we find ourselves on both require trust in God, knowing He is working all things out for our good, that He has a plan to prosper & not harm us, and He is with us.

Later that morning, I saw a post by Jackie Hill Perry on Instagram where she talked about temptations and idols. She said that temptation is often intensified when God is refining us, and that in those moments & times, we tend to want something to help make us feel comfortable & secure in order to soften the suffering. In those moments, she asked, do we go to our typical idols to help feel safe or do we trust God and lean into what He is trying to teach us and allow Him to be our 'crutch'? She concluded and shared that we are made holy by leaning into and trusting God, in light of what He is revealing about Himself in the suffering.

God did not promise us an easy journey; what He did promise us is that He would never leave or forsake us. I'm building my trust & faith muscles by leaning into Him and letting go of comfort, even if & especially when, I cannot see what is next. Whether you're experiencing a detour or delay, I encourage you to allow yourself to be stretched and believe, even when & if you cannot see around the bend, per se. Know and rest in the fact that God is in control and you will get to your 'fated' destination in His perfect timing, according to His perfect plan. So, breathe, and take in & enjoy the views & lessons along the way.