Friday, March 20, 2020

Peace & Prayer...

"Through every battle,
through every heartbreak,
through every circumstance...
I believe You are my fortress..." 
(excerpt from "The Way" by Pat Barrett)

Warrior pose.
This image has so many meanings, from a yoga pose to the stance we take when we pray.
Yoga, like prayer, brings peace. 
Prayer, like yoga, channels our inner strength.
You could say in both, we leave everything on the mat.

There's a reason we're called to daily put on the Armor of God; to take up the Shield of Faith and to yield the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. Not only is it biblical, but when we arm ourselves with these weapons, we become warriors as we pray. In raising our Shield, we protect our hearts - the wellspring of life, the center of our emotions. In prayer, we go to battle for ourselves, our minds, our families, our friends, our country, the world, our concerns, etc.

When we take this warrior prayer stance, we become stronger, not weaker. We are never more powerful, and a bigger threat to the enemy, than we are when we are in a position of prayer; whether on our knees, face down on the floor, or in a chair with folded hands & bowed heads. In this posture, we take our fight to Heaven & God, and His angel army goes to battle on our behalf. 

Prayer opens the floodgates to Heaven and brings God's presence & peace that surpasses all understanding. When we pray, we take our concerns, celebration, & commitments to the Lord. In doing so, we humble ourselves and realize the battle is not ours; it is His...and He has already won the victory! 

These are trying & uncertain times. Put your trust in the One who is trustworthy, faithful & true. In raising our petitions & praise to the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, we are reminded that it is not by our might but in & through His that we are made strong. In His Word, God reminds us that "My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness." (2 Cor. 12:9-11).

This is how I fight my battles. God has never let me down & promises to never leave nor forsake me. He also promises, that when we draw close to Him, He will draw close to us. He bottles our tears and knows our needs before & without us even uttering a word.

So, call upon God in prayer & you'll find yourself in the most peaceful, powerful pose, per se, ever.

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