Tuesday, June 9, 2020


I am near-sighted, meaning I can see things up close fine but things far away are blurry. As a result, I wear glasses to help me see better and bring things into focus.

Light also helps bring things into focus, many times providing a different perspective. As a child, how many times did you think you saw a monster as soon as your bedroom light was turned off at bedtime? When the light was turned on, however, you discovered the 'monster' was just a lifeless object or shadow instilling fear. Light casts out darkness & fear.

Like many, I was so hopefully for 2020 and all it would bring. I thought, the year like 20/20 a.k.a. perfect vision, was surely a sign, per se, for the clarity & insight I would receive & experience this year. 

With COVID-19, recent tragic, heartbreaking, senseless and racially inspired deaths & events, and building tensions throughout our nation, things are being brought out of the darkness and into the light. This is the only way & place healing can occur. Conversations are being had and learning is taking place. Coronavirus-induced quarantine was the lens that revealed our busyness and, in some areas and cases, distorted priorities. The video of George Floyd's murder was the lens that exposed racism that the black community has been all too aware of and endured for generations & centuries. 

The blinders are off and a clarity has been brought to an evil darkness that has plagued our nation, communities, schools, businesses, and judicial system for far too long. The lens has changed for many. We have seen a vision that will not be forgotten. The view is clear and things have come into focus. The rose-colored glasses are off. During a recent sermon, Pastor Steven Furtick of Elevation Church said "Just because I don't experience it (racism), that doesn't mean it doesn't exist." 

I remember when I got my first pair of glasses. I told my mom things in the distance were blurry but since she didn't have my perspective, she thought I was just saying that to get glasses because some of my friends had glasses. She didn't have my vantage point so she did not think the problem was real, despite me telling her I could not see the blackboard in school. She relented and took me to the doctor to have my eyesight checked...and felt horrible when I was prescribed glasses and instructed to pick out frames.

In the Bible, as long as Peter kept his eyes on Jesus he was able to walk on water, however the moment he got distracted & looked elsewhere, he began to sink (Matthew 14:28-31). Sight & focus determine your direction. Glasses, light, and videos all bring clarity to blindness & darkness. 

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