Tuesday, January 2, 2018

New Chapters...

A new year for most represents a new chapter filled with renewed hope. A blank slate or canvas, per se, to start over and leave the past behind. For many, a new year is a perfect catalyst or motivator to turn away from something, usually negative, to turn toward a more positive alternative.

Rather than turning away from something in 2018, because that already happened last October and is a topic for another post, I am continuing on my current path of obedience of bringing long-held dreams to life, first as goals and then as reality.

Time and time again leaders, books, and coaches teach that goals have to be written down to come to fruition, otherwise they are just dreams. Goals need to be in front of you as a constant reminder of what you are working for and towards.  Sometimes, on your most frustrating days, it even feels as if they are there taunting or daring you to achieve them.  

Second to having your goals front and center is accountability. Sharing your goals with others brings a sense of reality to your aspirations; while keeping them to yourself allows for plan B or an out should you miss your mark, milestone or target. If no one knows about your goals then only you know whether or not you were successful in achieving them.  

While accountability helps with motivation, opening yourself up to sharing your ambition(s) and intent can also be scary because of opinions and feedback. What if you share your goals with others and they do not agree with or support your plans, or worse yet, what if they think they are foolish, too risky or not risky enough? Do it anyway.  Whatever your new chapter looks like, pursue that goal, dream, milestone, or change. Do it afraid, do it alone, and do it without support if necessary. Be brave, write down your goals and share them; not in pursuit of affirmation but for the knowledge that you put it out there, and regardless of what anyone else thinks, you are investing in you, you believe in yourself and your goals, and you will hold yourself accountable.  You are worth the effort!

So, I am going to take heed of my own advice and write down my goals and share them. In 2018, we will start a non-profit in our furchild Bailey's memory & honor and I will write, complete and publish my book. New chapters indeed! 


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