It was during one of my "slowing down" mornings, while enjoying my french vanilla/hazelnut infused cup of java and listening to the birds chirp away, that I read a LinkedIn post by Claire Diaz-Ortiz that really spoke to me. In her post she shared the greatest advice she received, which was to do nothing for five minutes every morning, Mondays especially. In doing so, she suggested, one is able to pause before "life comes rushing in on you" as she put it. After following Ms. Diaz-Ortiz's prompting, I took in the sounds of the morning, looked up and really noticed the beauty around me. It was in that moment that the idea for this blog came to be. I've always been a fan of "capturing the moment" with a photo.Hello and welcome to my blog! My husband and I, along with our dog, recently relocated to Texas and it's amazing what this move has done for us. Sunshine is an amazing thing!!! Coming from Chicago, we were a "little" short on this vitamin D source. Since our move, I've been blessed to have some time to recharge my battery, do a little self-reflection and follow our dog's example of stopping and smelling the roses.
So, as I take in the scenery that until now would have gone relatively unnoticed, I will be sharing images and items that caught my eye and spoke to me, per se, and the thoughts that followed by taking a moment to slow down, look around, and take it all in.
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