"For such a time as this..." (Esther 4:14)
So I did a thing... I just launched my 'biz dev' consultancy, N2B Consulting.
To some, this may seem as an overnight & impulsive leap.
The seed for this venture, however, was actually planted a little over four years ago in August 2019. I paid a consultant to build & write the copy for my website, I purchased my domain, and was ready to flip the switch, per se. Then two months later my personal life took a detour and I had to regroup & redirect my focus during that season.
But God. In His infinite wisdom, He planted the seed and then continued to water & nourish the ground, making it fertile for what was to spring forth & sprout years later.
Similar to David, Joseph, Moses and Abraham, I received the dream & promise but then went through a pruning process to produce the fruit. I honed & built my professional toolbox & skills, I gleaned invaluable entrepreneurial insight from some amazing 'boss babes' (and guys), but perhaps most importantly, I grew in character as God purified & prepared me for what was to come.
And like David, Joseph, Moses and Abraham, I also had some 'wilderness'
moments of time, trials & testing. Just as a planted seed has to germinate & needs time to grow, over the past thirty years, I've built a resume of which I'm proud. There have been twists & turns, highs & lows, but sitting where I am now, I see how God was redirecting my steps and closing doors to open new, amazing ones all along.
Growth sometimes feels like a never-ending process, but then at other times, it's as if sprouts appear before your very eyes. I've experienced a couple 'warp speed' periods in my life...that's how & when I know it's God. He is after all, the God of 'suddenlys'; He can take you from waiting for something to walking in its fruition almost instantly. When this happens, you've hit the divine moment in time when God's perfect plan, time & will intersect. The moment when the seed's cracking produces the most beautiful blossom.
Like a garden, where a seed is planted in one season but does not bloom until one to two seasons later, the growth of my consultancy was happening 'underground' and now I'm happy to say, it's harvest season.